Established in 2000 as the first professional martial arts school in Malta, Jiushin Kan Malta is run by the Bajada brothers, and has as its quarters the Jiushin Kan (dojo) in Luqa. It is dedicated to the complete art of jujutsu (jiu-jitsu).
Jiushin Kan Jujutsu consists of both striking and grappling, hence the viability of the system for self-defence, and its validation in MMA competition.
Jiushin Kan Malta is committed to providing the best possible up-to-date training methods, paired with budo (way of martial arts) values and etiquette - all this in a safe, controlled and friendly environment.
Official Naming - Jiushin Kan
On the 1st of July 2013 in Kyoto, Japan, the Bajada brothers were called upon by Tesshin Hamada Hanshi of the Dai Nippon Butoku Kai.
Hamada Hanshi honoured the brothers with the dojo name Jiushin Kan, meaning “hall of the true ideals of yawara (another name for jujutsu)”. He presented the brothers with his kodachi bokuto, after imprinting the kanji of Jiushin Kan on one side and motto: “shin ki tai ittoh - mind, body, spirit as one”, on the other.
It was here established that the jujutsu system taught at the Jiushin Kan would now be called Jiushin Kan Jujutsu.

The Meaning Behind the Emblem
The Kanji Calligraphy: “jiu shin kan”, meaning “hall of the true ideals of yawara (another name for jujutsu)”. Jiu/ju - principle of yawara, shin - truism/high ideals/truth, kan - hall.
The Fan: the fan represents the flowing jujutsu techniques.
The Blue: the blue colour represents the sea that surrounds the Maltese and Japanese islands. The light hue represents the soft nature of water; the dark shade signifies its powerful elements; while water is soft and supple, it is one of nature’s most powerful and dominating agents.
The Maltese Cross: the eight pointed cross is the insignia of the Knights of Malta. It symbolizes eight virtues which are very similar to the virtues of the samurai.
The White and Red: the colours of the Maltese and Japanese flags.
The Red Circle: the Hinomaru (circle of the sun) of the Japanese flag. Japan is east of the Asian continent and the sun rises in the East. Thus, it is known as the land of the rising sun.
The Cherry Blossom: the cherry blossom symbolizes a degree of maturity within the individual; it gracefully glides to the ground, even after it withers.
The Outer Border: Yata no Kagami (octagonal mirror); rather than reflecting the outer appearance of a person, it reflects the inner self and symbolizes wisdom and honesty.